A little about me!

My name is Phil Sakanashi and I’m the owner of Akashi Creative. My journey into the world of visual storytelling began over 30 years ago when my father placed a small film camera in my hands. Little did I know that this simple gift would spark a lifelong love affair with photography. From those early days of capturing images on film, I slowly ventured into other avenues while always doing my best to improve upon my skills.

Today, Akashi Creative is more than just photography - it’s a manifestation of my deep-seated passion to lift people up through creating and sharing stories. Specializing in photography, videography and production on small sets, I have the privilege of working with so many amazing people and helping share their stories. Connecting with people is at the heart of what I do and it’s my joy to bring your vision to life.

Having been deeply moved by the challenges and hardships shared by numerous artists and athletes I've had the privilege of working alongside, I've recently taken a step into the realm of Talent Management. This new endeavor allows me to provide personalized guidance, foster valuable connections, and extend unwavering support to those navigating the often complex and demanding paths of their respective careers. My goal is to serve as a trusted advisor, offering insights, encouragement, and advocacy to individuals who deserve to have someone firmly in their corner, dedicated to standing by them and fighting for their success.

Thank you for considering Akashi Creative to be a part of your journey. Let's collaborate, create, and pursue the extraordinary together!